Lepidodactylus lugubris
Mourning gecko
Photograph by Baikada (ばいかだ)
*CANON EOS 1000*
I think, Mourning gecko’s mouth is smaller than another geckos. I saw that another geckos ate the moth and etc., but I couldn’t see that the scene of Mourning gecko’s hunting. One day, I met team of research of mourning gecko. I heard that the geckos are coming together to the flower of Barringtonia in the garden of a certain person’s private house. I identified, it is mourning gecko.
You can see the ant which come together to the flower in this photograph. Did mourning gecko eat the ant? Or, did mourning gecko lick the honey of the flower?
The gecko might lick a fruit and a sweet jelly.
I couldn’t understand why geckos come together the flower. The team reseaches why geckos come together. I think, it is very hard research. But I think, it is very fun, too. 🙂
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