
Light effect

Light effect

Actias artemis aliena
Emperor moth

Photograph by Baikada (ばいかだ)

Emperor moth(Actias artemis aliena) is a large-scale, very beautiful color moth. It is an insect that has the magical charm to which is dressed very much momentarily at the time of saw the appearance. In the moth thought that Emperor moth is comparatively usual, it is possible to see also with the wall etc. of a public lavatory in the mountain. However, Enperor moth does not readily settle on the beautiful place. The discolored color shows it for some reason, besides, when I watch Enperor moth in the day. Oneself cannot convey beauty to feel on the spot even if I just take a photograph.

I had a hard time whether I cannot express this photograph well. Because I hardly moved for a subject, I would photograph it for a while and studied the photograph.

Baikada’s main website
Wild Home

蛇をメインに爬虫類、両生類、そして野生動物のことを、書いたり、話したり、撮ったり、観察しています。/北海道爬虫両棲類研究会会長。野生生物域外保全センター顧問。両爬と人のコミュニケーター。獣医師(診察業はしていません)。専門学校で両爬学、たまに野生動物学を担当。/著書:北海道爬虫類・両生類ハンディ図鑑、Old world ratsnakes(一章担当)など。

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