
About e-mail

About e-mail

My email address is as below.

I often have the e-mail of the question. Because I may be troubled with a reply, it is 4 requests about the email inquiry. Because there are many troubles that 3 in particular depends on, attention please.

  1. Please give your name.
  2. When you refer for the kind of the snake, please tell me the area to see the snake.
  3. When the reply from me is late, please check whether a SPAM box is checked or it is not reception refusal.
  4. Please give me some kind of reaction for my reply.
    * It may take time by a reply, but I check it one by one and reply. I want to know whether you understood my reply.

Baikada’s main website
Wild Home

蛇をメインに爬虫類、両生類、そして野生動物のことを、書いたり、話したり、撮ったり、観察しています。/北海道爬虫両棲類研究会会長。野生生物域外保全センター顧問。両爬と人のコミュニケーター。獣医師(診察業はしていません)。専門学校で両爬学、たまに野生動物学を担当。/著書:北海道爬虫類・両生類ハンディ図鑑、Old world ratsnakes(一章担当)など。

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